Hediye Yarahmadi

Hediye is a research fellow at Trinity College Dublin since 2023, where she focuses on investigating soil degradation using statistical physics models such as percolation and graph theory, alongside the analysis of vegetation indices. She earned her undergraduate degree in 2017 and completed her master's at the University of Tehran in 2019. In 2022, she received her PhD in Physics, focusing on Complex Systems, from the University of Tehran, Iran. Hediye's research background lies in computational physics, with a expertise in high-performance computing, and statistical mechanics to study complex systems dynamics. She possesses experience in critical phenomena, including Phase Transition, Random Matrix, Extreme Value, and Percolation Theory. She has applied her knowledge to real-world applications, such as modeling real-world stock markets and developing innovative concepts in Ising model and network theory for neural system modeling. Moreover, she collaborates on understanding turbulent atmospheres' impact on global warming with PIK (Germany) and conducts theoretical and analytical research on long-range correlation in disordered systems.