
Prof. John Goold

Following a PhD from University College Cork in 2010 Centre for Quantum Technologies at the National University Of Singapore. In August 2010 he was awarded an INSPIRE Marie Curie Fellowship which he undertook at the University of Oxford where he was hosted in Vlatko Vedral’s quantum information theory group. In August 2013 he moved to The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy and remained there until October 2017 where he moved as Research Assistant Professor to Trinity College Dublin. He was recently awarded an SFI Royal Society University Fellowship for a project on Thermodynamics for Quantum Technologies which will run for 5 years starting from October 2017. He has recently been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council. In 2018 he founded the QuSys group at Trinity. John is interested in the interface of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics and in particular on how thermodynamics emerges in complex many body systems. He has worked on a number of different areas including ultra cold atoms physics, statistical mechanics and quantum information. In July of 2020 John was elected to the Young Academy of Europe.