
Maria Popovic

Maria completed her Masters degree in Physics at the University of Milan. During her degree, her interest focused on the thermodynamics of open quantum systems. In particular, in her thesis she studied the effect that non-Markovian dynamics has on the entropy production rate and its relation with the second law of thermodynamics. She joined the QuSys team as a Ph.D candidate at Trinity College Dublin in August 2018. She is working on developing methodology to cope with thermodynamics in non-Markovian settings in a joint project with Prof. Paul Eastham (TCD) and Prof. Brendon Lovett at the University of St. Andrews.

Selected Publications:

1. Thermodynamics of Decoherence, M. Popovic, M. T. Mitchison, J. Goold, arXiv:2107.14216 (2021)

2.    Quantum Heat Statistics with Time-Evolving Matrix Product Operators, M. Popovic, M. T. Mitchison, A. Strathearn, B. W. Lovett, J. Goold, and P. R. Eastham, PRX Quantum 2, 020338 (2021)

3.      Precursors of non-Markovianity, S. Campbell, M. Popovic, D. Tamascelli and B. Vacchini, New J. Phys. 21, 053036 (2019)

4.      Entropy production and correlations in a controlled non-Markovian setting, M. Popovic, B. Vacchini and S. Campbell, Phys. Rev. A 98, 012130 (2018)