Shane Dooley
Shane obtained his undergraduate degree at Trinity College Dublin (2009), followed by a master's degree at the University of Cambridge (2010). After a PhD at the University of Leeds (2015), he then held postdoc positions at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo (2015-2017) and at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (2017-2021). He returned to Trinity College by joining the QuSys group as a postdoc in October 2021.
Shane is interested in quantum enhanced sensing, and in the obstacles to achieving such quantum enhancements in practice. He is also interested in many-body quantum dynamics, and particularly in mechanisms that prevent the thermalisation that usually occurs in large complicated quantum systems.
Selected Publications:
1. Robust Quantum Sensing in Strongly Interacting Systems with Many-Body Scars, S. Dooley, PRX Quantum 2, 020330 (2021)
2. Making the most of time in quantum metrology: concurrent state preparation and sensing, A. J. Hayes, S. Dooley, W. J. Munro, K. Nemoto, J. Dunningham, Quantum Science and Technology 3, 035007 (2018)
3. Robust quantum sensing with strongly interacting probe systems, S. Dooley, M. Hanks, S. Nakayama, W. J. Munro, K. Nemoto, npj Quantum Information 2, 24 (2018)
4. Enhancing the effect of quantum many-body scars on dynamics by minimizing the effective dimension, S. Dooley, G. Kells, Phys. Rev. B 102, 195114 (2020)
5. Dynamical phase error in interacting topological quantum memories, L. Coopmans, S. Dooley, I. Jubb, K. Kavanagh, G. Kells, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033105 (2021)