
Cecilia Chiaracane

Cecilia, originally from Palermo, completed her bachelor degree under the supervision of prof. Resta at the University of Trieste, and later pursued a master degree in Condensed Matter Physics at the same university. She graduated with honours in December 2017, after developing her thesis project at the EPFL in the group of prof. Yazyev. She joined the QuSys team as PhD candidate in September 2018. Her current research is focused on transport properties of quasiperiodic systems and their capability as working mediums in quantum thermal machines.

Selected Publications:

  1. Quasiperiodic quantum heat engines with a mobility edge, Cecilia Chiaracane, Mark T. Mitchison, Archak Purkayastha, Géraldine Haack, and John Goold, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013093 – 28 January 2020

  2. Quantum dynamics in the interacting Fibonacci chain, Cecilia Chiaracane, Francesca Pietracaprina, Archak Purkayastha, and John Goold, Phys. Rev. B 103, 184205 – 21 May 2021

  3. Dephasing-enhanced performance in quasiperiodic thermal machines, Cecilia Chiaracane, Archak Purkayastha, Mark T. Mitchison, and John Goold, Phys. Rev. B 105, 134203 – 15 April 2022